Your clearances made easier
RentUrApp™ have developed an API Customs Clearance Application as an additional module to our existing TMS software portfolio.
Our app is purpose built enabling our clients to make import and export clearance requests as quick and easy as possible. The bulk data import facility removes manual data entry, saving hours of processing time.
“It’s the first time in 6 months we are done by 17.30, having saved 5 hours of work“
Freight Manager, MDX XPress
Customs Clearance File Import
Our central platform MoveSist can be set up to import shipment info from any file you require, giving you time back to move your business forward.
Document Management Functions
MoveSist can automatically import Customs documentation from emails sent by Channel Ports, saving you time and money and increasing efficiency.
Invoicing Module
Simplify your processes and utilise MoveSist for all Customs Clearances and Duty.
The customer journey when using the Customs Clearance Module:

Step 1) Route, Trailer, Driver Details – User enters route detail, including expected arrival date/time. The details added here can then be used for one or more clearance requests.
Step 2) Consignment Details – Consignment Number, Sender Number and MRN Number.
Step 3) Buyer/Seller Details – User can enter new address details, or use existing address data stored in MoveSist for the Buyer, Seller, Delivery and Collection Company/Address Details.
Step 4) Shipment/Product Details – Includes commodity code look-up, cost of Freight/Insurance, and Product Value/Weight. Product Details and their Commodity Codes can be saved, and all commodity details can be exported from another system, or received from your supplier, and imported into MoveSist from an Excel or CSV file.
Step 5) Send to Channel Ports – Once the user has completed the process, they will be e-mailed a summary of all the information entered. It is then ready to be sent to Channel Ports.
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